wow so its been a while and its been such a wild transition to the northwest. I have such a blog written up waiting for me to add pictures, i write these kinda as i go sometimes and then forget to add all the extra bits when im done with said task or event. SO, to keep this professional and as short as possible.
yes- this site/shop/ patreon/ whatever it is to you does and will continue to exist. I was overloaded with exhaustion and cleaning and orders and just a lot of work and time went into that and I really needed the time and rest to be able to put everything AWAY. and now i am having (trying to have fun) fun just kinda doing what i used to do, making art that I want. experimenting and practicing.
My patreon- I know i think i had a few people hanging on to that and I do apologize, i just couldnt do it for a while. But, luckily I have been working very hard putting together the refreshed patreon with actual different and cool rewards and treasures. I have not forgotten- there are boxes and envelopes waiting here for you when its time to send them.
I do not like to spend time online. I feel li have to because the future of my self business depends on it. But i really do have more fun just creating. I never understood the algorithm, anyways.
I have a new youtube video up with kinda just a chill cleaning and small update with some painting. I have a couple more videos almost ready and i started streaming on twitch!
wow this has been a lot of information. I feel like i cant ask anymore questions but anyways, if youre on my instagram page and you see my polls- i really appreciate those who vote! I appreciate you all equally but im just saying it really helps me plan for my online store and for future updates so i can at least “keep up with the times”
Im not a very “personal” person online too much when it comes to myself vs my art life because I have to keep them separate or i lose myself and the art I worked my whole life for. I also reject the idea that the more details i give about my life and absences, the better. which is not always true because as someone with a chronic illness, people do kinda get tired of it. And I kinda get tired of having to apologized for every week gap in my posting, honestly. Anyways. I like what i do and i work hard at it. Just because you cant see the BTS or I dont post as much as anyone else doesnt mean I’m not putting just as much care and time and love into everything i do. What I am able to do physically varies almost weekly. for instance, I was so motivated last night , i made a schedule, I knew what i wanted to do for the whole day and I was going to do it. I woke up this morning with a horrible stomach bug that had me vomiting. I havent been able to move all day, again.
i did what i can despite it but it is just not good for me to work through these bad days. it just makes more bad days. if i rest on the 4 bad days i get in a row, im more likely to be able to then work 4 days in a row. its not lazy, its actually hard.